April 2016

Take Two-003-Some People Take The Fun Out of Eating.

New Hampshire Primaries were a riveting night so stayed tune to this election. Both girls share stories of friends who eat clean, struggle with gluten intolerance, never eat sugar, don’t eat bread, and how it causes self reflection and takes the joy out of dining.  Learn some key words like manarexia but more importantly do you know someone with Orthorexia?  Fun highlights from Colleen’s many travels but this time it’s her girl time in  Las Vegas.

Take Two-002-Power of Intuition

Colleen underwent treatment for some skin cancers and shares her story.  Cyndi has pioneered another successful back country  powder skiing with her hubby.  Giggles regarding face book likes and how they impact us all.  Cyndi willed the finding of her husband’s car key with her keen intuition.  Colleen has defined most us as being very territorial and believes most of us have assigned dinner seats, sides of the bed, spin bikes in our work out and so much more.

Take Two-001-No matter what…..the Holidays are a Blast.

Colleen and Cyndi discuss  the aftermath of their family filled Christmas festivities, share traditions, and rave about the  epic snowfall that has provided excellent skiing conditions.   Braving the crowds in our ski resort and opinions on the Sun Valley Lodge remodel.  Letting it all go and embracing what comes your way.  Always a pleasure to decorate for the Holidays but hard to take it  down not just physically but emotionally.